Urban Planning in Jordan AView Towards Decentralization


  • Elaf Dawodieh

  • Nabeel Al-Kurdi


centralization, decentralization, urban economy, regional planning


The purpose of this research is to present the problem of centralization in Jordan, which transformed Amman into a capital state, where 4 million out of 10,103,311 concentrated in the capital, Amman. Urban planning policies in Jordan are orienting to the capital, Amman, which has turned into a magnet point and this is related to numerous reasons, which are economical, educational and health conditions, in addition to the absence of regional planning, which is concerned with the balanced distribution of services between urban areas. The results showed the effective urban polices for decentralization urban planning by creating a schematic model and redefining a global strategy for urban planning in Jordan to achieve decentralization by providing a smart growth economic development and giving each city a chance to assume a powerful part in attracting investmen.

How to Cite

Elaf Dawodieh, & Nabeel Al-Kurdi. (2020). Urban Planning in Jordan AView Towards Decentralization. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 20(J4), 13–19. Retrieved from https://engineeringresearch.org/index.php/GJRE/article/view/2038

Urban Planning in Jordan AView Towards Decentralization

