Design and Economic Analysis of a Small Scale Formaldehyde Plant from Flared Gas
design, height, diameter, volume, composition, formaldehyde
The Simulation of a 10,000 ton/yr capacity Formaldehyde plant from flared gases was performed using Aspen Hysys version 8.8, and the Hysys model of the plant was developed using data from literature. A material and energy balance for the various components of the plant was performed manually and with Hysys for comparison. The design/equipment sizing, Mechanical design, costing and economic evaluation, process control of the functional parameters of the various equipments and finally the full Hysys process flow diagram of the model was performed. The Formaldehyde reactors was simulated to study the effect of process functional parameters such as reactor dimensions, temperature, pressure, The effect of reactor size and number on Formaldehyde output was studied by simulating the plant with a compressor, mixer, conversion reactor, cooler, CSTR, heat exchanger, and storage tank.
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