Potential of Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Improvement at RVCE
rain water harvesting, ground water recharge
Water is a primary resource for the development of any country. Increase of population in urban areas has resulted in failure of typical water supply system to meet the growing demand. Rainfall is the major source of fresh water. To reach the water demand, utilization of rain water by adopting decentralized rain water harvesting approach is need of the hour. The present study area is R V College of Engineering, Mysore road, Bengaluru. Annual rainfall records and the data required for estimation of potential of rain water and runoff coefficients of different catchment surfaces were collected. It was observed from the study that RVCE campus has the potential of collecting 21.49 Million liters of water annually from roof tops of different buildings and 32.72 Million liters of water by runoff from major catchment areas like play grounds, pavements, parks and sites.
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