In the New Spectrum of Space Law, Will Biden Favor the Moon Treaty?


  • Dennis O#x2019;Brien



The full spectrum of space law, from nationalist to internationalist, was on display at the Moon Village Association#x2019;s annual symposium on November 8-9. But the question on everyone#x2019;s mind was, what will be the effect of Joe Biden#x2019;s election as the next President of the United States? He has already declared his intent to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords and the World Health Organization. A look at his Senate record gives us a hint concerning his space policy. In 2007, the Convention on the Law of the Seas (CLOS) came before the United States Senate. The chair of the Foreign Relations Committee was then-Senator Joseph Biden."We should become a party to the convention," said Biden, just before the committee approved the treaty in October by a 17-4 vote."The oil and gas industry is unanimous in its support of the convention . . . I'm unaware of any ocean industry that has expressed opposition to this treaty.#x201D; [1].

How to Cite

Dennis O#x2019;Brien. (2021). In the New Spectrum of Space Law, Will Biden Favor the Moon Treaty?. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 21(D1), 39–41. Retrieved from

In the New Spectrum of Space Law, Will Biden Favor the Moon Treaty?

