Design of Radiator for Internal Combustion Engine with Tubes in Distribution of Sierpinski and Fins with Fractal Convolution


  • Luis Eduardo Llano S#xE1;nchez

  • Dar#xED;o Dom#xED;nguez

  • Martha Cecilia Melo

  • Carolina Gonzalez Rodr#xED;guez


fractal convolution; sierpinski distribution; fins design; radiators


Introduction: Fractal geometries have demonstrated their efficiency in nature, for that reason a fractal geometry will be implemented to improve the transfer in a heat exchanger. This paper presents the design of the radiator for an internal combustion engine, where the location of the tubes through which the fluid passes are given by the distribution of Sierpinski and the perforations of the fins were made with fractal convolution. The outlet temperature respect to inlet temperature is studied and analyzed through a CFD software. This document shows theory fundamental used to design the radiator, with the implemented methodology, its results and conclusions.

How to Cite

Luis Eduardo Llano S#xE1;nchez, Dar#xED;o Dom#xED;nguez, Martha Cecilia Melo, & Carolina Gonzalez Rodr#xED;guez. (2020). Design of Radiator for Internal Combustion Engine with Tubes in Distribution of Sierpinski and Fins with Fractal Convolution. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 20(A3), 33–39. Retrieved from

Design of Radiator for Internal Combustion Engine with Tubes in Distribution of Sierpinski and Fins with Fractal  Convolution

