Greenhouses Low-Cost Monitoring and Control System


  • Carlos Eduardo Bastos

  • Rafael Galli


electronic system; climate conditions; controlled cultivation


The cultivation of fruits and vegetables is a fundamental activity for a nation's economic and food sectors. However, this practice exposes the farmer to the damage caused by weather conditions or severe weather changes in the region. Thus, we observe that, when cultivation occurs organically, without the addition of fertilizers or pesticides, there's an intensification of the impacts caused to production. Mitigating this issue is possible through several technologies found on the market for the control of agricultural greenhouses since the cultivation in greenhouses provides better development of production. Although, these devices are usually inaccessible to small rural producers, damaging the family farming sector. Based on these facts, the present study aims to build a low-cost autonomous gadget for controlling and monitoring agricultural greenhouses, making this system efficient and accessible to small rural producers and encouraging the practice of organic cultivation.

How to Cite

Carlos Eduardo Bastos, & Rafael Galli. (2020). Greenhouses Low-Cost Monitoring and Control System. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 20(F5), 13–18. Retrieved from

Greenhouses Low-Cost Monitoring and Control System

