Linear Parallelepipedic Electric Machine: Static Study of the Moving Plate


  • Pierre Kenfack

  • Abraham Dandoussou

  • Steve Ngoffe Perabi


magnetic suspension - mechanical guidance - magnetic guidance - linear machine


Magnetic suspension which replaces a mechanical guide means with a magnetic guide system allows much lower losses Magnetic suspension is a perfect candidate for holding and guiding the moving plate rotor of the linear parallelepipedic electric machine It is an innovative solution to replace either conventional ball bearings or very sophisticated and expensive active magnetic bearings The passive centering device with permanent magnets is used because it is combined with a system for compensating friction forces In order to master the stable control of the centering device we need to know all its static characteristics without rotational movement The normal force is calculated by the finite element method using the ANSYS MAXWELL software

How to Cite

Pierre Kenfack, Abraham Dandoussou, & Steve Ngoffe Perabi. (2020). Linear Parallelepipedic Electric Machine: Static Study of the Moving Plate. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 20(F3), 29–36. Retrieved from

Linear Parallelepipedic Electric Machine: Static Study of the Moving Plate

