Proposal for a Methodology based on Functional Hierarchization for Product Development


  • Adriana Yumi Sato Duarte

  • Marilia Colozio Favaro

  • Fabio Mazzariol Santiciolli

  • Franco Giuseppe Dedini


function; functional deployment; design methodology; design tools; product design


This research aims to permit a simultaneous visualization of primary and secondary functions, sub-functions and subsystems in order to establish, according to its position in the plane, the influence on the overall function and how it can be inserted into the product design. The methodology described consists of an in depth-study of the functional deployment starting from a basic need. Since it is a conceptual study with a philosophical approach, three hypotheses underlie this methodology: the union of two techniques of functional deployment is not possible since there is no correlation; the union of two functional deployment techniques provides similar result if applied separately or the union of two functional deployment techniques provides better results since it allows a comprehensive view of the project. Until this point, this research suggests the union of the two functional deployment techniques provides better results since it allows a comprehensive view of the project.

How to Cite

Adriana Yumi Sato Duarte, Marilia Colozio Favaro, Fabio Mazzariol Santiciolli, & Franco Giuseppe Dedini. (2015). Proposal for a Methodology based on Functional Hierarchization for Product Development. Global Journals of Research in Engineering, 15(J3), 1–11. Retrieved from

Proposal for a Methodology based on Functional Hierarchization for Product Development

