@incollection{, FA0ED0E1E56A8EF6FD767EB5DF426F4C , author={{VoltaireDjia} and {University of Yaounde I, Cameroon}}, journal={{Global Journal of Researches in Engineering}}, journal={{GJRE}}2249-45960975-586110.34257/gjre, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2123139 } @book{b0, , title={{The Dynamic of Secession}} , author={{ VBartkus }} , year={2004. 1999} , publisher={Cambridge University Press} , address={Cambridge} } @book{b1, , title={{American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup}} , author={{ FBuckley }} , year={2020} , publisher={Encounter Books} , address={New York} } @book{b2, , title={{Morality and Legality of Secession: A theory of National Self-Determination}} , author={{ PBusquets }} , year={2020} , publisher={Palgrave macmillan} , address={Cham} } @book{b3, , title={{Secession and Security: Explaining State Strategy against Separatists}} , author={{ AButt }} , year={2017} , publisher={Cornell University Press} , address={Ithaca} } @book{b4, , title={{Our Land, Our Oil! : Natural Resources, Local Nationalism, and Violent Secession}} , author={{ SCasertano }} , year={2013} , publisher={Springer VS} , address={Berlin} } @book{b5, , title={{Between Democracy and Law: The Amorality of Secession}} , editor={Closa Carlos et al.} , year={2019} , publisher={Routledge} , address={London} } @book{b6, , title={{Action, Mind and Matter in G. H. von Wright's later writings. Spazio Filosofico}} , author={{ REgidi }} , year={2016} } @book{b7, , title={{Secession: International Law Perspectives}} , editor={Kohen, M. G.} , year={2006} , publisher={Cambridge University Press} , address={Cambridge} } @book{b8, , title={{Second Treatise of Government}} , author={{ JLocke }} , editor={C. B. Macpherson} , year={1980. 1690} , publisher={Hackett Publishing Company} , address={Indiana Polis} } @book{b9, , title={{On State Secession from International Law Perspectives}} , author={{ JLu }} , year={2018} , publisher={Springer International Publishing} , address={Cham} } @incollection{b10, , title={{The Spirit of the Laws [1748}} , author={{ Montesquieu }} , booktitle={{The Complete Works of M. de Montesquieu}} London , publisher={T. Evans} , year={1777} } @book{b11, , title={{Unrecognized States and Secession in the 21st Century}} , editor={Riegl M. & Dobos B.} , year={2017} , publisher={Springer International Publishing} , address={Cham} } @book{b12, , title={{National Secession: Persuasion and Violence in Independence Campaigns}} , author={{ PRoeder }} , year={2018} , publisher={Cornel University Press} , address={Ithaca} } @incollection{b13, , title={{On the Social Contract}} , author={{ J.-JRousseau }} , journal={{Trans.)}} , editor={G. D. H. Cole} , year={2003. 1762} , publisher={Dover Publications} } @book{b14, , title={{Norm and Action: A logical enquiry}} , author={{ GHVon Wright }} , editor={Routledge & Kegan Paul} , year={1963} , address={London} } @book{b15, , title={{Explanation and Understanding}} , author={{ GHVon Wright }} , year={1971} , address={London: Routledge} } @book{b16, , title={{Causality and Determinism}} , author={{ GHVon Wright }} , year={1974} , publisher={Columbia University Press} , address={New York} } @book{b17, , title={{Philosophical papers (Vol. I: Practical reason)}} , author={{ GHVon Wright }} , year={1983} , publisher={Basil Blackwell Publisher Limited} , address={Oxford} } @book{b18, , title={{In the shadow of Descartes, Essays in the Philosophy of Mind}} , author={{ GHVon Wright }} , year={1998} , publisher={Springer Science+Business Media} , address={Dordrecht} }