The Journey of Life Creation

Table of contents

1. I. Introduction

his exploration Journey will provide an overview of human life from Astronomy prospective as it will explain the stages of Life creation from the time was born and the events that came after.

We will discuss what has been discovered during this period and what we learned, and how this revolution of knowledge gained, impact human lives itself and what can be added in the future.

We are Looking close at the purpose of this Life and if the events and activities of the Universe behavior have relations and direct impact on the human or if our Life is just a consequence or sub phenomenon of the cosmic event.

We will analyze the solar system mechanism as a direct impact system on the Earth and if there are any influences between the Earth and the other planets or if each matter has its characteristics and behavior.

In-depth evaluation of the Physics Laws or Astrophysics especially, and if there are any relations with these laws to the other objects outside the earth's atmosphere, or if these Laws are applied to the solar system overall.

In conclusion, what should be the road map of the following Astronomy studies and researches? How Author: Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. e-mail: [email protected] these researches will impact human Life as a direct influencer from the cosmic events, What should be learned and researched, and what is not worth the efforts spent on such researches and as a result how we can develop a better human Life by understanding the purpose of this life and how its work.

a) Method 1. The method used in this research is an analysis of the given data from multiple resources such as Space Agencies, Astronomy, and physics authorities, mainly from their websites. 2. Physics and mathematical formulas have been involved in process and comparing The given data, such as Newton's Law of Motion, F = M * A. 3. Besides the self-study and monitoring of the earth sphere, supported with shots of the stars and planets.

2. b) Purpose

1. To simplify the understanding of Astronomy, how it works and what should be learned as helpful information for the general public. 2. To assign the priorities of the research and, optimize the resources for the purpose of each task, utilizing the efforts taken in the right direction of the studies.

3. To come out with the conclusion to improve human

Life and develop a road map of creating a framework to get a peaceful and safe environment.

4. II. The Current State of Art in Astrophysics

In this chapter, we will explain how Space Agencies, Astronomers, Physics Scientists, Researchers, or any stakeholders in this domain are looking at the Universe over history.

The overview of the mechanisms of how the universe works, the laws that apply to it, what are the scientific explanations of the phenomenon, and the events observed within our galaxy.

What has been discovered in Astronomy, what is under study, what needs more explorations and input data to provide the right explanations of events, states, and behavior of the Universe.

5. a) The Big Bang

The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe started as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now, and it is still stretching.

When the universe began, it was just hot, tiny particles mixed with light and energy. It was nothing like what we see now. As everything expanded and took up more Space, it cooled down.

The tiny particles grouped together. They formed atoms. Then those atoms are grouped together. Over lots of time, atoms came together to form stars and galaxies.

The first stars created bigger atoms and groups of atoms. That led to more stars being born. At the same time, galaxies were crashing and grouping together. As new stars were being born and dying, then things like asteroids, comets, planets, and black holes formed (1).

6. b) The Solar System & the Heliocentric Model

Our solar system consists of an average star we call the Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It includes: the satellites of the planets; numerous comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium. The Sun is the richest source of electromagnetic energy (mainly in the form of heat and light) in the solar system. The Sun's nearest known stellar neighbor is a red dwarf star called Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 4.3 light years away. The whole solar system, together with the local stars visible on a clear night, orbits the center of our home galaxy, a spiral disk of 200 billion stars we call the Milky Way. The Milky Way has two small galaxies orbiting it nearby, which are visible from the southern hemisphere. They are called the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. The nearest large galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy. It is a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way but is 4 times as massive and is 2 million light years away. Our galaxy, one of billions of galaxies known, travels through intergalactic space.

Most of the satellites of the planets, and the asteroids revolve around the Sun in the same direction, in nearly circular orbits. When looking down from above the Sun's at the North Pole, the planets orbit in a counter-clockwise direction. The planets orbit the Sun in or near the same plane, called the ecliptic. Pluto is a special case in that its orbit is the most highly inclined (18 degrees) and the most highly elliptical of all the planets. Because of this, for part of its orbit, Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune. The axis of rotation for most planets is nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic. The exceptions are Uranus and Pluto, which are tipped on their sides (2). The part of the wide-ranging physical theory of relativity was formed by the German-born physicist Albert Einstein. It was conceived by Einstein in 1916. General relativity is concerned with gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. Gravity defines macroscopic behavior, so general relativity describes large-scale physical phenomena.

General relativity follows Einstein's principle of equivalence: on a local scale, it is impossible to distinguish between physical effects due to gravity and those due to acceleration. Gravity is treated as a geometric phenomenon that arises from the curvature of space-time. The solution of the field equations that describe general relativity can yield answers to different physical situations, such as planetary dynamics, the birth and death of stars, black holes, and the evolution of the universe. General relativity has been experimentally verified by observations of gravitational lenses, the orbit of the planet Mercury, the dilation of time in Earth's gravitational field, and gravitational waves from merging black holes (3).

Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity, which describes gravity not as a force, but a consequence of the curvature of space time caused by the uneven distribution of mass (4).

As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity, Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time. Imagine setting a large body in the center of a trampoline. The body would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. A marble rolled around the edge would spiral inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in space.

7. III. Research Analysis

Based on the above information, there are many clarifications that require us to rethink again on the current discoveries and how the Universe is formed, as well there are many theories over history rise controversy on the way how they are extracted.

We always need to look to the root of the cause and analyze the available data to come out with significant results which lead to the practical theories, which make sense and can provide valuable benefits that are reflected on the human being.

In this chapter, I'll explain each point of the above Current State of Art in Astrophysics from a logical and scientific point of view, which will end up with a concept that requires us to reshape the road map in the Astronomy world.

8. a) Universe Creation for Purpose VS The Big Bang

As explained earlier about the Big Bang Theory, Astronomer look to the beginning of the universe as a

The Journey of Life Creation © 2022 Global Journals single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as it is right now, and formed galaxies, Planets, stars, asteroids, and other matters.

If we accept this theory, many questions pop up:

If the Universe created from a single point, why the content of the Universe is not identical? each object in the universe has its dimensions and characteristics. What is the system of the Big Bang at each stage? As each stage has its own shaping and forming, so what are the physics laws for that phenomenon?

What is the type of energy engaged at the first point, and what is the source of it? the first point of the creation is the moment of the explosion.

What is the order in sequence the creation of the planets in the solar system, especially the earth? And what is the scientific conclusion that the earth is the only place for human life?

If the dark energy is the force, that causes the expansion of the Universe, So why this force is mysterious, and not measurable? And why its conflict with the theory of general relativity, which describes that gravity, is not a force? Many questions and questions need explanations and answers, which takes ages and tons of research and exploration to provide these answers, and most of the time might the answers will still be unknown, under study, or assumptions.

We need to re-evaluate the concept from a logical point of view as if we take each question from the above will end up with no sensible answer.

The way how the Universe is designed and created is much more advanced than an explosion at the first point, as explained in the Big Bang Theory, or the nature behind all these events and activities in the Universe.

So what is behind this Phenomenon?

If we look closely, we will recognize that in this massive space, including the galaxies, planets, stars, and other objects, the earth is formed as a tiny entity in this big place, and we will also recognize that the earth is the only life and rich of resources in this massive place.

The Giant Sun is occupied with serving the earth and for human specifically, as the health benefits from the sunlight is unlimited such:

1. Initiating the process of producing vitamin D in the body 2. Supporting healthy bones 3. Managing calcium levels 4. Reducing inflammation 5. Supporting the immune system and glucose metabolism 6. Lower blood pressure levels 7. Release stores of nitrogen oxides And massive other benefits of the sun (5). Besides the four seasons in twelve months (365 Days), these seasons and the temperature is fit for a life, not as on the other planets, as it is not fit for human, either too cold (Freeze level) or too hot (Burn Level).

If we look at the moon, it orbits the earth and rotates around its Axis once every month for almost 27 days (6). From the faces of the moon, we recognize the start and the end of each month, which allows counting the number of years, and this is the primary purpose of Many other events, behaviors, and activities in the Universe, some of them observed and some still under exploration give us a clear picture that the universe does not begin in a single point or explosion, its much beyond that as it requires so advanced designing, planning, connecting & locating, stability, continuity, execution processing, recycling and other elements which makes the Universe sustainable.

So the Big Bang theory simplifies the Universe creation Process and keeps it to the nature, and the nature is managed by itself, and this is not a proper Validations and Analysis of these input data, as this Theory ignores all the required elements as mentioned above for the Universe Sustainability.

9. b) The Geocentric Model vs. The Heliocentric Model

In the previous published paper, "The Truth Behind The Solar System In The Universe" (7), I mentioned that one of the vital factors that supports the Heliocentric Model is the Sidereal day which it is proved not correct due to several facts as explained in that paper, so below, we will explain why the Geocentric is the accurate Model of our Solar system.

Based on the current statistics, the earth rotates around its axis once every 23.9 Hours at speed of 1676.56 km/h, and the circumference of the earth is 40,074.16 km (8).

The Earth orbits the sun in 365.25 Days at speed of 107,280 km/h, and the circumference of this orbit is 940 Million/km (9). Linking the above statistics, we realize that the earth is finishing a complete one rotation in 23 hours and 56 min, by ?4 minutes every day of the length of the day, which is 24 Hours. For example, if today the sun rise at 6 am at particular location on the earth, tomorrow the sun will rise at 6 am ?4 minutes at the exact place, same scenario every day by ?4 min. Let's apply the explained fact in (3.1) to the heliocentric model as shown below in Figure 6. Year 2022 ( ) J If we consider the current solar system methodology that the earth orbiting the sun, we will end up with that at same location of the above example, the sun will rise some time at 12 am and some time will set at 12 pm, or some time will rise at 4 pm and will set at 4 am, Likewise onwards all the year, and this is never happened at the history of the human been or at the time of the earth creation. So the Heliocentric model is not applicable to the above data, as the earth's speed does not match the day length (Solar Day), which is aligned with the sun rising and set, and led to 24 Hours duration as per to the time invention (10). Geocentric is the only model that can match the above data and keep the balance for the day time (24 Hours), with + or ? 2 to 3 Hours between the winter and summer in the average of the earth locations (Equatorial line, for example). By applying the above data, the Sun will orbit the earth at the same circumference of 940 Million/km at the same speed of 107,280 km/h, which was considered for the earth (9). The earth rotates around its axis once every 23.9 Hours at a speed of 1041 mph (1676.56 km/h) and the circumference of the earth is 40,074.16 km (9). To maintain the ?4 minutes difference in the rotation speed with the day length (24 Hours) the sun will move over its orbit: ((107,280 km/h) × 23.9 h) = 2,563,992 km. So the earth's rotation speed must be aligned with the sun's orbit speed per day, And by applying the below equation: Earth circumference × Sun orbit speed = Sun Daily movement distance × Earth Rotation Speed. Applying the data to the equation: Earth Rotation Speed = 1676.74 km/h. And this is the recent record of the earth's rotation speed. Figure 7 will explain the applied data. Year 2022 ( ) J

10. c) The Potential Energy vs. The Theory of General Relativity

General Relativity is the current description of gravitation in modern physics as it is not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of space time caused by the uneven distribution of mass. The curvature of space time is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. So in short, Einstein's Theory explained that each event and activity is related to each other, and this is fundamental to classic physics, especially Astrophysics.

In conclusion, in chapter 3.2, it's explained that the Geocentric Model is the accurate model and description of the mechanism of our solar system where the sun is orbiting the earth, not the opposite, the earth has a much smaller mass than the sun, so the curvature of space time is not the cause of the gravity which makes the earth orbit the sun and likewise for the other planets. And this led us to conclusion 3.1, that the creation stages of the universe as explained in the Big Bang Theory are not a consequence of related events and activities in sequence ages, Therefore, the cause of this creation is more advance than it began from a single point of explosion.

11. IV. Research Conclusion

After the analysis of the above data, and the study conducted on the current state of Art in Astronomy and Astrophysics, we will list in this chapter the output of this analysis, which will lead us to an amended model of the Universe:

1. The figure of Big Bang theory is not Valid as the creation of the Universe is more advanced and requires elements to get the results of what we have today, these elements include but are not limited to advanced designing, planning, connecting & locating, stability, continuity, execution processing, recycling and other factors which makes the Universe sustainable. 2. Connecting Multiple data and the relations of several events led us to that the Universe is adopting the Geocentric Model, and this applies to the entire universe, not limited to the Solar system and deep analytics study accrued in the other paper explained in detail how we got this result (7). 3. The Theory of General relativity is not applicable in space time as with the above results, all the events and the activities in the Universe are independent. (11), and this percentage keeps the balance of life. So the earth is significant because it contains water which is not available on the other planets along with the additional resources of life such as Air. 6. The first object built in the Universe is the Earth and it was entirely created in 4 Days, including all the Layers, Seas, Oceans, Mountains, Elements, Sands, Rocks, and other objects, and is well prepared to receive the Humankind as it includes all the necessary resources for Life. 7. After the creation of the Earth, Its followed by 7 Skies which built in 2 Days, the first Sky is the one surrounded the earth, and it includes the Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and other discovered Objects. The second sky and onward are out of human beings reach and exploration.

12. V. Research Recommendations

As a result of all these analyses and the study conducted on the available data, the conclusion we got and the Universe model we explained. We acknowledge that the earth is significant and the only source and place for human life as it has the all required resources to survive, addition, the other objects in space such as the sun and moon, are assigned for humans as the only ones who take the benefits of them, as well for the stars which gave us the directions from their fixed locations. So all the events and the activities happened and are happening in the Universe have a direct impact on the Earth. especially on the human where we formed as a central influencers of this Universe, so we need at the end to come out with recommendations on how should be the engagement of the future researches and exploration in Astronomy and Astrophysics, what should be the priority in Science that reflect direct benefit on the human, so below I'll mention some of these recommendations which considered as a top Trends:

1. As a priority, the exploration and Researches projects shall be under one objective and goal, what will be the outcome and the benefits of these projects and how they will have a direct impact on the human, and if they will return improvement on life as it is the primary concerning matter for the existence of Human.

2. Exploring the space is so dangerous and costly, whatever if the Science and Technology are advanced, the resources and budget are available, it will be still a high risk as the exploration will be in an environment not designed for humans, which will harm these explorations as we need to adapt with this environment which has different nature as what we have and used to live with on the earth, so most of these missions are subject for failure. 3. We need to Identify what is subject for learning, exploration, and research, and what is or not worth carrying the efforts and costs of these missions, as a priority is what will reflect benefit on Humans as a primary objective, so to list these projects based on the priority and to try always to minimize the expenditures which are not necessarily. 4. All the researches shall consider the Geocentric model as the base for Astronomy, which create the road map of the exploration and studies projects for collecting Information about our Universe, as this model will shortcut much analyses, answer any questions and correct many principals. 5. The Universe Creation details are not available to the human as all has been collected about how the universe is created are just assumptions or based on theories most of them are not correct or accurate such as the Big Bang and all the studies followed, so if the foundation is not correct, all the results of the researches, the extracted laws, and the exploration missions will be not correct or accurate also, we can judge what we discovered on earth as the human present the events happened or still happening, all the Earth activities are recognized, measured, figured, explainable and tangible because they are reached and lived by the human, they are designed to be understandable and usable, fit for purpose they created for and sustain the environment, so the nature of earth is the only place where we complete each other. 6. So, as an objective, the focus shall be on what can develop the earth from the environment prospective in terms of the natural elements such as the water, air, geographic components, the atmosphere layers, earth layers, plants, animals, and other creatures. So instead of spending billions, sacrificing Humans, wasting significant knowledge, talents, and resources, it would be grateful if utilizing and optimizing these elements on what is beneficial to humans directly, the knowledge about space and the universe we belong to it, is important and will affect on us as human to know how the things work and connected, still this extreme un required efforts and costs make the things complicated and led to more mysteries events and endless discoveries for limited stakeholders of these missions. To focus more on human relations and connections, improve social life and economy, and make the Earth Year 2022 ( ) J peaceful for humans. And this is the how we utilize these resources.

13. VI. Summary

As a result, Space is so vast, Every planet, star, or any other object has its own rules, physics, chemistry, and other sciences, as we cannot apply what we learned and practiced on earth to another planet, star or space unless if the humans can live there and do the same learning path as what they did on the earth and come out with different sciences than what they produced on the earth. But human capabilities only allow them to learn from the place were born and the events around them.

14. Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

Figure 1. Figure 1 :
1Figure 1: The Big Bang (by NASA)
Figure 2. Figure 2 :
2Figure 2: The Solar System c) Theory of General RelativityThe part of the wide-ranging physical theory of relativity was formed by the German-born physicist Albert Einstein. It was conceived by Einstein in 1916. General relativity is concerned with gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. Gravity defines macroscopic behavior, so general relativity describes large-scale physical phenomena.General relativity follows Einstein's principle of equivalence: on a local scale, it is impossible to distinguish between physical effects due to gravity and those due to acceleration. Gravity is treated as a geometric phenomenon that arises from the curvature of space-time. The solution of the field equations that describe general relativity can yield answers to different physical situations, such as planetary dynamics, the birth and death of stars, black holes, and the evolution of the universe. General relativity has been experimentally verified by observations of gravitational lenses, the orbit of the planet Mercury, the dilation of time in Earth's gravitational field, and gravitational waves from merging black holes (3).Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity, which describes gravity not as a force, but a consequence of the curvature of space time caused by the uneven distribution of mass(4).As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity, Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time. Imagine setting a large body in the center of a trampoline. The body would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. A marble rolled around the edge would spiral inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in space.
Figure 3. Figure 3 :
3Figure 3: The General Relativity
Figure 4. Figure 4 :
4Figure 4: The Benefits of the Sun
Figure 5. Figure 5 :
5Figure 5: The Moon PhasesThe Stars and the Planets can explain to us how each one of them has its location, Diminutions, elements, and behavior where we cannot get two objects identical or similar, and this is the beauty of this creation which allow us to think for a moment of this fantastic design and creativity, the Stars shine because they are extremely hot. The source of their energy is nuclear reactions going on deep inside the star, planets do not have nuclear fusion, and they do not produce their light. Instead, they shine with light reflected from the sun. When we look at the planets in the night sky, such as Venus, that called "Evening Star" we see reflected sunlight.Considering the Big Dipper (Group of Stars) and the Polaris, which give us the directions as they are always located in the north and never changed their location since the Universe creation or one of the stars disappeared or died (The supernova), compared to the death of the other stars.Many other events, behaviors, and activities in the Universe, some of them observed and some still under exploration give us a clear picture that the universe does not begin in a single point or explosion, its much beyond that as it requires so advanced designing, planning, connecting & locating, stability, continuity, execution processing, recycling and other elements which makes the Universe sustainable.So the Big Bang theory simplifies the Universe creation Process and keeps it to the nature, and the nature is managed by itself, and this is not a proper Validations and Analysis of these input data, as this Theory ignores all the required elements as mentioned above for the Universe Sustainability.
Figure 6. Figure 6 :
6Figure 6: The heliocentric model
Figure 7. Figure 7 :
7Figure 7: The Geocentric Model
Figure 8.
Note: © 2022 Global Journals
Figure 9.
( ) J
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Appendix A

  1. The Solar System, Calvin J Hamilton . 2009.
  2. ) The Health Benefits of Sunlight, Cynthia Cobb . 2020. November 3.
  3. , D R Williams . Planetary Fact Sheet 2019. October 21.
  4. ) How Fast is The Earth Moving?, Elizabeth Howell . 2021. September 1.
  5. , Erik Gregersen . Sep20) General Relativity 2016.
  6. How Much Water is There on Earth?. Water Science School 2019. November 13.
  7. Why There Are 24 Hours in a Day al/why-there-are-24-hours-in-a-day-and-60-minutesin-an-hour-b670879cbe99, J Basu . 2018. October 30.
  8. What is Big Bang?, Kristen Erickson . 2021. March 17.
  9. Does the Moon Rotate?, Nola Taylor . 2021. June 17.
  10. The Truth behind the Solar System in the Universe, Rami Ayoob . 2021. September 6.
  11. , Wikipedia .
© 2022 Global Journals
Date: 2022 1970-01-01